Piper argumenta que Deus tem os seus desígnios, eu também concordo que Deus é
todo-poderoso e todo-sabedoria. Deus tem razões que a nossa limitação humana e
temporal não é capaz de perceber todo o plano divino. Este curto período de
milhares de anos em que o Diabo e os seus demônios estão soltos e fazendo seus
míseros estragos, tem a permissão de Deus, porque quando Deus restaurar todas
as coisas teremos um parêntese na história do universo onde todos os seres
celestiais verão que a rebelião foi uma tragédia para as criaturas que
trilharam este caminho. O benefício do exemplo eterno da queda dos anjos e dos
homens só iremos perceber daqui a trilhões de anos. (Comentário do teólogo
Valdemir Mota de Menezes, O ESCRIBA)
John Piper argues that God has his plans, I also agree that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has reasons that our human limitation and temporal is not able to perceive the whole divine plan. This short period of thousands of years in which the devil and his demons are loose and doing their measly damage, have the permission of God, because when God will restore all things a parenthesis in the history of the universe where all heavenly beings summer the rebellion was a tragedy for the creatures that trod this path. The benefit of the eternal example of the fall of angels and men will only realize trillions of years from now. (Comment from theologian Valdemir Mota de Menezes, The SCRIBE)
John Piper argues that God has his plans, I also agree that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has reasons that our human limitation and temporal is not able to perceive the whole divine plan. This short period of thousands of years in which the devil and his demons are loose and doing their measly damage, have the permission of God, because when God will restore all things a parenthesis in the history of the universe where all heavenly beings summer the rebellion was a tragedy for the creatures that trod this path. The benefit of the eternal example of the fall of angels and men will only realize trillions of years from now. (Comment from theologian Valdemir Mota de Menezes, The SCRIBE)
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